viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Alternative Medicine Cabinet: Thyme for Toenails

The Remedy: Thyme
The Claim: It cures toenail fungus.
The Science: It’s not exactly a life-threatening condition, but toenail fungus, known in the medical community as onychomycosis, can be cosmetically unattractive and painful. It is also somewhat prevalent, striking about 15 percent of Americans. And it can be a burden to treat. Conventional treatments are expensive, have a low success rate and can carry significant side-effects. The prescription drug Lamisil, for example, can cause liver damage. But those who want a natural alternative can try remedies that contain thymol, the primary oil found in thyme, a well-known herb and antiseptic. Thymol is commonly found in medicated chest rubs, including Vicks VapoRub.
In one study, scientists tested the antifungal effects of the ingredients in a generic medicated chest rub. Of the seven ingredients, thymol was among the most effective at inhibiting the growth of dermatophytes that cause nail fungus. Other studies in animals have also shown thymol oil to be effective against dermatophytes. And studies have also shown that thymol oil destroys another cause of nail fungus, Candida, by disrupting its cell membranes and metabolism. While the evidence is strong that thymol can attack the organisms that cause toenail fungus, no human studies have been conducted to test whether thymol is a lasting and effective treatment.
But for people vexed by the ugly fungus who don’t want to risk the side effects of a prescription drug, it’s worth a try. Adding the essential oil of thyme to regular foot baths is one option. Joe and Terry Graedon, authors of the popular People’s Pharmacy books on alternative remedies, suggested coating the affected toenail once or twice a day in Vicks VapoRub.

The Risks: Allergic reactions to thyme, when applied to the skin, are rare but can include itching and rash. Vicks VapoRub can also cause temporary reddening of the skin in some people.


This news was published on October 15, 2009 in The New York Times and it was written by Anahad O'Connor.
It describes a very little known remedy for fungus toenails, the thyme. As it is mentioned in the news, this disease affects 15 percent of Americans. The toenails fungus is an infection that occurs in the fingernails or toenails. The causes of this disease may be the use of scissors or other instruments which are contaminated or shoes that are not ventilated.
The most common remedy is medication but there are also natural remedies. In the news it is mentioned the thyme but there are other remedies such as Argentina leaf extract or grapefruit seed extract. But the latter two not have a high efficiency.
I found interesting this news because I didn't know the existance of this alternative treatment for fungus toenails, a very common disease which is very difficult to cure because the infection is embedded within the nail.

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